The Ambu Res-Cue Key is a semi-transparent face shield that has an included one-way valve. This is the replacement face shield only.
The valves allow the air to flow through while doing rescue breathing and at the same time closes for the air coming from the patient as well as the liquids. This way the transparency of the face shield allows rescuer to visually check for patient's face and lip color and prevents contact with the patient's saliva, vomit or blood.
The special way the face shield is designed makes it suitable to be used with children and adults.
The face shield has two integrated elastic ear bands that fit over patient's ears to keep the mask in place while doing resuscitation. Standard resuscitation techniques can be used without modification or the risk that the face shield slides off the patient.
The Ambu Res-Cue Key is packed in a small soft bag (Item #32109F or #32109) with a ring so that it can easily be attached to a key ring. This way the Ambu Res-Cue Key is always available.
Material: Face shield – Polyethylene
* soft pouch in picture is not included with the face shield.