Survival / Disaster Kits

4 products

4 products
Sands 72HR One-Person Essential Survival Pack
Sands 72HR One-Person Essential Survival Pack
Sands 72HR One-Person Professional Survival Pack
Sands 72HR One-Person Professional Survival Pack
Sands One-Person Basic Survival Pack
Sands One-Person Basic Survival Pack
Survival Series 2 Stocked First Aid Kit
Travel / Survival Series 2 Stocked First Aid Kit

The very definition of “survival” is to live despite the circumstances, be that man-made or natural disaster and/or serious medical emergencies. When circumstances arise, you will want a survival kit backpack that combines the best survival equipment in a disaster situation and a serious emergency medical bag, not a kit for minor cuts, scrapes, or bruises.

Government and disaster agencies recommend you keep a disaster preparedness bag in your home to meet your requirement for at least three days or 72 hours. That includes food and water rations and medical supplies in case you are trapped in your home or must evacuate quickly. The kit should be readily available to grab and go at a moment's notice.

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