The perfect kit to treat those minor bumps and scrapes!
- 2 Non Adherent Pads # 98134
- 1 Box Nexcare Waterproof Bandages 30 #97373
- 1 2" Cohesive Wrap #96117
- 1 1" Cohesive Wrap #96110
- 1 1" Gauze Roll #97100
- 1 3" Gauze Roll #97300
- 4 Benzalkonium Wipes #96251
- 4 Alcohol Wipes #96270
- 4 Afterbite Wipes #96260
- 2 Waterjel Pouches #94317
- 1 Bandage Scissor #15020
- 1 1" Medical Tape #97201
- 1 3M Medipore +Pad #97311
- 1 Nylon zippered case
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